dinsdag 18 mei 2010

How it looks so far.

As my glass room is very small and has for the most part an inclined ceiling, it is very difficult to get a top view of the whole window.
This is the best shot I could make.
Can't wait till it's finished!

I had to turn the plank with the window on it around to be able to reach the other end of the panel.
My glass room is great but like I said also a bit small. But I'll manage. I'm not complaining. It's great I don't have to work in the cold garage or something.

The last part will not be easy. Also I have not decided on the colours and what glass to use yet.
At the FOKA shop I bought a very nice blue glass with fine white stripes in it. I might use that.
Also a bevel (or bevels) is something I have thought of using in the top part of the window but that might be just a little to much. 
We'll see how things develope and I hope to finish this window within the next 2 weeks.

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