The lead arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to start working on the window again.
The part above the flower proved to be somewhat difficult because of the many curves and joints but in the end it worked out well.
Another problem is that some of the pieces that are left do not fit now. Maybe because gradually the glass and lead together shift the design a bit and because I have cut all the pieces beforehand they match the design but don't fit quit as good as I would like them to.
I have been trying to get the three yellow pieces on the left to fit, and they do, but.... the height is not right.
Now I can do 2 things: 1 is cut a new piece - one of the three - and make it so that they fit the design from top to bottom.
Or: let it be and make the top and bottom border straight when all the pieces are set in the lead.
Have to let this simmer for a bit.
Fresh outlook on it tomorrow maybe. I hope so.
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